New Series: Amazing Books You Should Totes Check Out

anniemade // Book Rec - Miki Agrawal's Do Cool Sh*t - Amazing book on navigating entrepreneurship and life's craziness

Those of you that have had any meal with me lately, know that in the past few months - I can't stop myself from saying "you need to read this book!" The first book that got my passion going like this was Steal Like An Artist, which I shared with you many moons ago.

In the process of finding purpose this year and leading a more intentional life with Gus, we've been consuming a new book every few weeks. When two of my friends mentioned to me that I had already overwhelmed them with awesome book suggestions, I realized that in this whole time, I haven't yet shared the really great stuff I've been finding on anniemade.

So here goes, a new series where you'll hear about the books that inspired us to kick into gear and become debt-free, stop procrastinating, and generally do more awesome stuff.

This time, I want to introduce you to the ridiculously amazing book that is "Do Cool Sh*t" by Miki Agrawal.

The book only came out this August and I downloaded it for our pivotal trip from LA to FL to ultimately, NC. We devoured this memoir/pseudo guide-to-life by serial social entrepreneur Miki Agrawal. It's filled with one entertaining personal or professional story after another, strung together with useful takeaways and a clear focus on motivating her audience. It isn't self-helpy - it's the story of an amazing person, Miki, who among other things, became the first entrepreneur to open a healthy pizza restaurant in NYC.

The subtitle to the book is "Do Cool Sh*t: Quit your Day Job, Start your own business, and Live happily ever after," and somehow, she gets to all of these things in this very quick read.

Here are a few things that Gus and I took away. We both encourage you to pick it up - whether you're interested in running a business or not, there's some great "how to navigate life and relationship" stuff in there that anyone could glean something dynamic from.

  • Everything in business should be "MB" as Miki terms it, mutually beneficial - Make sure you're being genuine and giving back to those who give back to you
  • Get creative about getting help for your projects - Miki has some amazing examples of how she hosted a private brainstorm session and other events to do dynamic networking instead of doing one-on-one coffees
  • Build your tribe - The people you surround yourself with can be critical to your success
  • Don't give up - I won't ruin it for you, but Miki hit a lot of road blocks on her road that would have stopped anyone in their tracks pretty easily. In the book, she doesn't dwell on them and in her stories, she's pushing past some of the most incredible odds with no pity and only determination for the next goal ahead. It's pretty inspiring.

So if you need a fun jolt and a really entertaining, motivating read- check out "Do Cool Sh*t" by Miki Agrawal on Amazon.


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